Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sounds and Images

Poster for "Shadows" America's first indie film.

The cover of "Advertisements for Myself" by: Norman Mailer which started a new literary genre - The New Journalism.

Calculator containing the world's first microchip made by Texas Instruments.

Malcolm X - The minister of the New York chapter of the Nation of Islam.

Cuban leader Fidel Castro on his first trip to the United States.

The Guggenheim Museum in New York City designed by world-renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

The cover of "Lady Chatterly's Lover" by: D.H. Lawrence. This book started a huge debate in America about where literature ends and obscenity begins.
Audio of Ornette Coleman performing "Free Jazz" a style of music that is credited to him.
Video of Bobby Darin performing "Dream Lover" one of the most popular singles of 1959.
Short film explaining the significance of Miles Davis's "Kind of Blue," the most popular jazz album of all time.

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